Articles tagged with wm:

  • Color theme generation from images using k-means

    Note, this post more or less follows this post by Charles Leifer, except in less detail, and explained more poorly.

    One of the top posts on the unixporn subreddit (SFW, really.) is this post that shows how a redditor generates color themes for his window manager from images using a script. He gets the code from Charles Leifer, who explains how the script works. Basically, the script detects the dominant colors in the image using k-means clustering.

    As an exercise, I tried recreating the script in R. I didn't exactly look at Charles' code, but I knew the basic premise was that it uses k-means to generate a color palette.

    I liked the idea of using R over Python because (a) as a statistics major I use R all the time and (b) there's no other reason, R's just fairly nice to work with.

    Color spaces

    k-means performs differently depending on how you represent colors. A common color space to use is RGB, which represents colors by their red, green, and blue components. I found that representing colors in this manner tended to result in points along the diagonal. This happens since images usually have many shades of the same color, so, if you have $(r, g, b)$ you also tend to have $(r+10, g+10, b+10)$. This results in clusters having a sort of elongated shape, which isn't that great for k-means since it seems better at picking out more "round" clusters. There is often a lot of correlation between dimensions. Maybe I'm not making a lot of sense here, suffice to say I wasn't terribly pleased with the clusters I was getting.

    A 3 dimensional representation of the colors used in an image. In RGB space.

    The next color space I tried was HSV, which represents colors in terms of hue, saturation, and value. This actually got me some fairly satisfactory clusters. As you can see in the graphic below, it's much easier to separate different colors. The only problem was that it made me want to put more weight on the "hue" dimension than the "saturation" or "value" dimensions. Many clusters ended up just being gray.

    A 3 dimensional representation of colors in the same image, but in HSV space.

    One cool thing is that R already does HSV fairly easily using the rgb2hsv function.

    I was most satisfied using LAB space. This represents colors with one "lightness" dimension and two color dimensions "A" and "B". It was made to approximate human vision, and as you can see from the graphic below, distances between colors seem more meaningful. In fact, using Lab space is a recommended way of finding color difference. A good package for using this in R is the colorspace package.

    Colors represented in LAB space.


    Another nice thing about R is that it has its own kmeans function built in. I actually tried writing my own, which looks like this:

    ## Do k-Means
    ## It tends to lose some k values
    kMeans <- function(k, X, iter = 5) {
        ## Assign random membership
        membership <<- sample(1:k, size=nrow(X), replace=TRUE)
        for(i in 1:iter) {
            mus <<- tapply(1:nrow(X ...

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